How to Get Your House Ready to Sell – in 8 Simple Steps

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So, you need to figure out how to get your house ready to sell. A growing family, moving out of state, job relocation, downsizing – whatever the reason you’re selling, you want to get top dollar for your home in order to move onto your next adventure. Follow these tips on how to get your house ready to sell and you’ll be on your way in no time, with the least amount of stress and the most amount of money in your pocket.

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1. Finish projects

First things, first. Make a list of everything that needs attention. Did you ever finishing tiling the floor in the basement? Like, actually finish it? What about that leaky faucet or the cabinet door that doesn’t close all the way?  Walk through each room with a pad and paper and make a list as you go. Little details that you’ve forgotten all about will be on display for all to see. Get those silly little things fixed up and done with once and for all. It will feel really good checking those things off your list as they get done one by one.

2. Curb Appeal

This is a big part of getting your house ready to sell. First impressions are everything. Hopefully you maintain your lawn or this could be a big job. Pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised! Keep the walkway and driveway clear of ice and snow if it’s Winter. Mow the lawn and mulch the flower beds if it’s Spring. Power wash whatever needs it. Never got to your fall cleanup? Hire a landscaper to start fresh. Pick up branches that have fallen, trim back low hanging limbs. Clean up dog poop – you don’t want that to be the first thing buyers notice. Paint or replace your door. It makes a big difference! Looking for some more ideas? Check out 8 Simple Ways to Increase Your Curb Appeal and you’ll be ready in no time.

3. Paint

Have any rooms with too bright or too dark of colors? Buyers want to come in and picture themselves living there. Your eccentric colors worked for you, but can be distracting for others. Not to mention, the $$ starts adding up in their minds if they need to repaint the whole house right away. Your color pallet should be very neutral and serene. Stick to grays, whites, and beige, maybe some blues. If you need to update your colors, do it. It really helps when getting your house ready to sell and it will make a HUGE difference…not to mention it will look so nice and clean with a fresh coat of paint.

Already have neutral colors? Take a look around and see what damage there is, if any. Has your couch or chairs rubbed on the wall and left marks? Have kids colored on the walls? If you can’t scrub the marks off, a fresh coat will do the trick. Make sure you also check the moulding and trims- a coat of white will really freshen the room up!

4. Deep Clean

I’m not just talking sweeping here. I’m talking scrubbing the shower and toilet till they sparkle, cleaning the tile with a toothbrush if need be! Trust me, people want a CLEAN house to buy. The cleaner the better if you’re looking for top dollar. Clean all the vents, dust all the nooks and crannies. Get into the corners where the vacuum misses. Clean the windows inside and out. Make sure the microwave and oven are clean. People will check, I swear! Seriously. This is a HUGE deal. Hire a professional if you need to, but just make sure it gets done.

5. Clean out closets

Go through every closet and get rid of…I’d say…50%. Too much stuff stuffed into your closets is just screaming that your house doesn’t have enough storage. Next! People want storage. Do you have ample storage? Lucky you, why are you moving?? Buyers will check closets, I promise you. If things fall on them when they open the door, there’s a mental strike 1. The best thing you can do is get rid of stuff, donate, or just keep what you are using for this season and put the rest in storage. Many people rent a storage unit to hide store their personal belongings there. Which brings me to my next must…

6. Declutter

I’m sure you’ve heard this already. You need to declutter. Live simply for the next couple of months while your house is on the market. Put away your kid’s billions of stuffed animals. Keep only a couple pairs of shoes around, not all 50. Clear off tables and shelves of extras. Sure you can keep the fruit bowl and some nice decorations. Just limit it. Also put away anything that you don’t want stolen or broken. It doesn’t usually happen, but you never know. There will be strangers in your house. Another good rule of thumb is to put away holiday décor before pictures are taken for the MLS. There’s nothing worse than someone finding your house in May and seeing Christmas or Valentines Day decorations in your pictures. It just points out that it hasn’t sold.

Another great option for getting your house ready to sell and getting the most money out of it is to hire a stager. Depending on your budget, they can help to reorganize what you have, or bring in furniture to suit the best aspects of the house. Staging A House will give you an idea of what a stager does and when you might need one.

7. Depersonalize

A lot of people don’t like this one. “But I’ll be living in the house still, I want to see my pictures”. I get it. Do yourself a favor and start detaching yourself from the house. It will make it easier in the long run. Put away your family pictures. Do you really want strangers looking at your kids school pictures or your honey moon pictures anyway? Again, buyers want to imagine and be able to picture themselves living there, not the family that previously did. It really should be about the house on display. Because that’s what it is. You are selling your house. Not your personal items.

8. Be Realistic

Your realtor has run the comparable homes in your market and hopefully gone over them with you. A house is worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it. Not how much you want for it. You may not make back what you spent on that addition. Maybe that second mortgage WAS a terrible idea. Not everyone wants the work or responsibility of a pool. Also consider whether it’s a Seller’s Market right now or a Buyer’s Market. Either way, you need to go into it being realistic. Remember why you are moving. Can’t do another cold winter? Need more space? Look at the big picture. Go over with your realtor a price that you are both happy with, and is reasonable for your current market.

Starting out too high will come back to bite you if you need to move quickly. It will sit and buyers will begin to wonder what’s “wrong” with it.  Put it at a reasonable price that is competitive to other similar homes in your area. If yours looks the best at a competitive price, you could get multiple offers, or even over asking depending on your market!

Make sure to check out this 11 Step Guide to Selling Your Home, so you will know every step that it takes to getting your house sold and be prepared for the whole process.

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