mortgage rates

  • refinance

    How to Prepare for Refinancing A Home Loan


    5 Helpful Tips to Refinance Your Mortgage By Sathi Roy  Sathi Roy, a non-commissioned Mortgage Expert at Better Mortgage, explains how you can make your refinance journey as seamless as possible. This article was originally published on Considering refinancing…

  • unpredictable interest rates

    4 Reasons Why Coronavirus Makes Mortgage Rates So Unpredictable


    Originally posted by Better Mortgage Corporation The spread of COVID-19 has impacted the US economy in unprecedented ways. Even with March 15th’s record-breaking federal interest rate cuts, many homeowners are surprised to find that rates are either higher than expected…

  • mortgage price

    How to Determine a Mortgage Price: The Determining Factors


    This article is originally posted on When thinking about your mortgage price, there are several determining factors involved. Speak openly with your lender and ask questions to know where the numbers are coming from. Knowing where you fall in…