closing table

  • paperwork

    Seller Closing Costs


    Closing costs differ for the seller closing costs and the buyer closing costs. Of course, each side is responsible for their own – unless there has been another agreement made (such as a seller’s concession). The closing is usually held…

  • people at a meeting

    Closing Costs – What are they?


    We have all heard of closing costs coming along with the buying and selling processes. It’s inevitable. The “closing” is when all parties involved meet to “close” the mortgage loan and “close” title to the property. Closing costs are something…

  • Large beautiful house

    Buying a House: A 10 Step Guide


    So you’re thinking of buying a house. You saw a house on Zillow, so you can have it, right? You checked out a few Open Houses & have a decent job so you are ready, right? It’s an exciting time,…