12 Home Projects To Get Done NOW!

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Here are 12 home projects to get done now – over a weekend or even in as little as a day. These are all things that you can do from the comfort of your own home, maybe even with items you already have or a quick trip to the hardware store. Whether for yourself or for getting ready to sell, making the space in and around your home functional can be a game changer. Check out these projects and commit to getting a few done, while you have the time to do them. You’ll thank yourself later!

1. Create a Work Space

As most of us are still working from home at least some of the time, it’s super important to have a designated work space. A space where you can feel inspired, organized, and confident to get your work done. Maybe a quiet place for phone calls, zoom meetings, and concentration. Too many days sitting at the counter, on the couch, or even in your bed is no good for accomplishment. Create a quiet space where all of your important papers and folders can be. Keep it clean, organized, and hopefully out of the way.

closet turned workspace home project

Don’t think you have a space? Think again! You just need to be creative. Have a corner in your room you can revamp? Or even in the basement? Maybe that unused loft space can work. I didn’t have a great space – so I made one! We converted our closet into a desk area (above) with shelving and lighting. Now, I have a great space to get my work done – with minimal interruptions. And – all my stuff is in one place. That’s all I needed to increase my productivity.

This is the wallpaper we used . I love how it came out!!

2. Create a Work – Out Space

I know, it may not be the first thing on your list of home projects, but it should be close! Mental and physical health are extremely important at times like these, and they really go hand in hand. Make an effort to get a workout in daily. Even if it’s just with an app and a yoga mat. Break out your old weights and bands or search under that pile of clothes for your long lost treadmill. Spots like yard sales, facebook marketplace, or sports stores are great places to score some home gym necessities.

workout space home project

There are a ton of free workout videos on YouTube, and Beach Body on Demand is useful and inexpensive and can usually be done in a small space. Part of a bedroom, or right in the middle of the living room are fine to get your workouts in. Keep your weights and mats in a trunk in the living room, easily accessible but out of the way. Don’t get into a rut because you can’t make it to your gym, or can’t afford it anymore. Get off of Netflix and get back in shape. Start with a simple routine and increase from there.

3. Start Your Seedlings/Plan Your Garden

Now is a perfect time to plant your seeds and get them ready indoors. Especially when food can get scarce, and fruit and vegetable prices are sky high, having an extra supply of food from your garden is ideal. They will take a while to grow, but knowing that you are planning ahead and taking care of your family can definitely help put your mind at ease.

seedlings home project

Plan where your garden is going this year. Have a sunny spot you’ve been eyeing? Get it ready with some new soil and fencing. This is a home project where you can’t be afraid to get out there and get dirty! Just remember to wait on planting anything outdoors until it’s warm enough in your area. Otherwise all of that hard work will be lost to frost (depending where you live, you may be lucky enough to grow year round!).

Fruit trees are also easy and need little care. Purchasing mature fruit trees and ideal – but see if you need to have 2 to cross pollinate. Many times people are even giving away fruit trees and excess vegetable plants in fb groups. Be open to accepting and putting in a little work. Fruit trees take time to produce, but will be worth it in the end.

4. Get Creative – And Learn Something New

So many of us have a sewing machine laying around or hidden somewhere – and don’t know how to use it. Whip that sucker out and learn to sew! This is the one I have and it’s SOOO easy to use! There are so many great things you can do and make with your new found talent. Go through old fabric, sheets, etc. Use some to make curtains, napkins, clothing, table cloths, and more!

creating home projects

Have a Cricut or looking into getting one? These things are so cool – and you can make so many great one-of-a-kind projects with it! Take some time to learn all that you can do with your particular model and start exploring it. Make some home dΓ©cor, make some cards or invitations, add decals to shirts and sweatshirts, and have fun creating!

It’s always great to learn something new. Teach yourself or sign up for a class – some beginner ones are available on youtube. Make yourself a dedicated space. Try working with a new instrument or learn to dance. Learn to play guitar, learn sign language, teach yourself the keyboard, how to cook, or how to bake bread. All of these things can be done in your own home, with little extra space and have great outcomes!

5. Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets

Have some paint? Been wanting to update your cabinets? Go for it! Winter is a great time to do some updates and changes to your home. You have the time to paint and pay attention to detail – and to enjoy your work once it’s done! Depending on what you have, you can paint or stain your cabinets for different looks. You can even make chalk paint for another cool look. This will be sure to add some sweat equity to your home – and leave you feeling accomplished.

painting cabinets home project

If you are looking to do some upgrades to your home now in order to sell in the Spring, get going on them! You should get to try out and enjoy the changes before selling. Update that bathroom, do those counters. Enjoy them for a bit before the big move!

6. Clear Out Your Attic/Basement

In general, we tend to be so busy that things get thrown around instead of actually put away. I am definitely guilty of throwing bins up in the attic, haphazard and messily. More of a – “I’ll organize it when I have time” mentality. Well guess what? We have time now! Although it’s a daunting task, it’s a home project that must be done.

So head into the attic or basement and go through those bins. Reminisce about things you’ve forgotten about and kept. Try your wedding dress on for fun! You may find some real treasures hiding up there. Get rid of the things you never touch or use, and make some space. Maybe sell a few things on ebay or marketplace for a few bucks. Donate any useable pieces, or make them into something new. It feels so good to get rid of stuff sometimes!

Besides, maybe if you clear out your basement – you’ll discover a great new workout space…It’s also a great home project to get your home ready for the market.

7. Plan A Big Home Project

Get your juices flowing and discuss some big home projects you’ve been thinking about with your partner. Go for something that you’ve been talking about for a long time but never really put the time or energy into figuring out. Maybe you’ve always wanted a lemonade porch or a larger family room. Or to install a fireplace. Have you been thinking about the benefits of solar panels, or dreamt about that inground pool?

Whatever the case my be, look into if for real now and plan it out. Will you need a contractor? Permits from the town? Decide on colors and logistics and start getting excited about it! See what exactly it will take to get it accomplished. Having a plan and being prepared will make it lot more likely to actually happen. Take some measurements and do your research. Start now.

inground pool project

8. Decorate

While most of us spend a lot more time in the house these days (hello work from home office & bad weather!) It can be the little things to put a smile on your face. Decorate. Purchase a few new things from the home decor store. Treat yourself a little. Decorate by the season or the holiday, or just add a new lush area rug, a rustic hutch, new lighting, hang a picture, add an indoor plant, matching pillows, etc. Make the room cohesive.

9. Paint a Room

Pick a room and pick a color! It’s always fun to spruce up the bathroom with a new color – it’s actually next on my list. We already painted our bedroom and it made such a big difference in my mood. Check out what colors you have leftover in the basement and go from there. Maybe you’ll get inspired after finding some old things in your attic and will want to try a new theme or something to go with your new decorations. Get inspired!

Do a bedroom, a hallway, whatever you have paint for. Crank up some music and get to work. You’ll be so glad you did. Change can be good.

10. Move Around Your Furniture

Now is the time to try something new. Move a room around and have some fun with it. Spending a lot of time in your living room these days? Mix it up a bit! Move the couch to the other side of the room, and play around with the vibe of the room. Even better – paint the room and move around furniture – you’ll feel like you’re in a different place without even leaving the house.

Experiment with different layouts in different rooms. Try to reimagine some pieces to be used in different rooms, for different purposes. Paint them if you feel the desire. Pretend you are a stager or home decorator and get creative.

11. Re-Organize Your Kitchen

Ever think that your kitchen could function a lot better? Now is the time to take care of that! With all the cooking you’ve been doing lately, there’s no doubt that there is room for improvement. See what works best. Should your silverware drawer be closer the dishwasher, making it easier to put things away? Maybe your pots and pans would fit better in a different cabinet.

READ: Kitchen Essentials

While you’re figuring all this out, make sure you go through your Tupperware! I know no one wants to, but just get it done. Maybe after getting rid of some random pieces with no lids, you will have room to move other things around.

12. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

See just how creative you can get with what you have around your home. Try to make something from a piece you were going to throw out. It’s a great time to use all your cardboard to make a cardboard house or tunnel for the kids! Give them markers and tape and see what they come up with. My son was busy for a couple of ours with a long cardboard “track” and his matchbox cars!

Look around and see what you’ve got – egg cartons can be planters for your seeds. Then move them into painted tires for a unique look. Leftover scrap wood could be sanded and stained and made into a cool coffee table. We are actually going to make a new headboard from our old fence! We are going to paint it and attach it, and I’m so excited about that. It’s fun and rewarding to do creative home projects. The point is to look at things in a different way. See how you can get a little more life out of it.

As you can see, now is the perfect time to get these home projects done. Take care of your home. If you were planning on putting it on the market, this is the time to get it ready! Get rid of your clutter, do a couple updates, add a fresh coat of paint, and be creative. If you have recently bought a home, you can get a head start on making your new house yours. You will feel accomplished and proud of your results!

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16 responses to “12 Home Projects To Get Done NOW!”

  1. Elizabeth O Avatar
    Elizabeth O

    Those are some exciting things to do while staying at home this long. The best thing for me is to start planning my garden. Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Michele Avatar

    I have been doing a lot of these. No time like the present to get stuff done around the house that you have been putting off. Great post, very inspiring.

  3. Harish Avatar

    Wow, these are great ideas. I’d love to try a few very soon.

  4. Lavern Moore Avatar
    Lavern Moore

    I love this closet space and have definitely been sewing!

  5. WanderlustBeautyDreams Avatar

    These are such great ideas! I need a work space and have been putting it off. Working in bed sometimes isn’t the most productive. This post had motivated me to get that started!

  6. Ella stearn Avatar

    Ooh this is so helpful. I shall start working my way through this list now! πŸ˜‰ It’s definitely the perfect time to, isn’t it. Thanks for sharing. x

  7. Jessica l Avatar

    Great ideas! It definitely makes me miss our suburban house. πŸ™‚

  8. Mariah green Avatar

    These are great ideas. I’ve actually done a couple. I rearranged my workspace and right now we’re starting on a vegetable garden

  9. Magen Avatar

    Great list! We are planning a huge house remodel right now. Keeping our fingers crossed to have everything done soon so we can sell

  10. Blair villanueva Avatar
    Blair villanueva

    These are awesome ideas! I will be very busy doing all of these projects.

  11. Maysz Avatar

    I’am starting to do workout every morning and do some house chores stuffs since quarantine days and these are the great ideas while staying at home.

  12. Fransic verso Avatar

    Seems fun projects to get done right now. I’m looking to set my work shop and not space because I already have a work space for now haha πŸ™‚

  13. Chirpybrains Avatar

    Wow. These are some great ideas!!! M getting bored these days, will definitely give them a try !!

  14. Chirpybrains Avatar

    Wow. These are some great ideas!!! M getting bored these days, will definitely give them a try πŸ™‚

  15. Lynda Edwards Avatar

    Beautiful website, love all the ideas , thank you

  16. wonder seeker Avatar
    wonder seeker

    Definitely planting my garden is on my list, thank you for great ideas

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